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Church in Brazil

Our Ministries

"Ministry" is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning (to serve)  In the New Testament, ministry is seen as service to God and to other people in His name. Jesus provided the pattern for Christian ministry—He came, not to receive service, but to give it.

Mr 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.


We believe that discipleship and helping young people step out of their comfort zones is key to their spiritual growth. We do this in a variety of ways. We don’t just babysit your children. We teach them how to live a successful Christ centered life. We challenge them to study God’s Word and to pray daily.

Discipleship Ministry

Our discipleship program seeks to incorporate new converts into Christianity by teaching them the essential and basic doctrines and helping them apply these in their daily lives.  Beginning with a one-on-one training course, the discipleship program educates and equips the new believer for the long, challenging, but rewarding road ahead.

Discipleship Director: Bro. Jordan Hall

Pen & Prayer Ministry

It is our goal to make sure that everyone who visits First Free Will Baptist Church feels like a part of our family. We focus on providing support for those who need to be encouraged and lifted up in times of need and sickness. If you would like us to contact a friend or family member please feel free to let us know. You can make requests known to:

Sis. Barbara Daugherty, Sis. Lynda Jewel, or Sis. Celia Calloway.


Youth Competition


"Training the next generation of church leaders."


The purpose of the CTS Program is to help students identify and develop their God-given abilities for use in service to Him and His church.

Mission Trips

Mission trips are a great way to get out of our comfort zones and experience what it's like to plant a church far from home. We try to take summer mission trips every year for our adults and teenagers. We have served in Charleston SC, Pensacola FL, Buffalo NY, Erie Pennsylvania and New Orleans LA.


E-TEAM stands for Eagleton-Teens Equipped and Active in Missions. Teenagers who have completed grade 9 and above apply to go on an international mission trip for 2 week. If chosen they will head to the Bible college in Nashville TN for training and then off to one of many countries. They will serve on the field with some of our missionaries. We've sent teens to Brazil, Japan, Spain,Uruguay, Virgin Ils, Cuba, Panama and the Ivory Coast West Africa. 

Sign Language

God has blessed us with the opportunity to minister in many ways using ASL sign language. Our sign choir travels to nursing homes, churches and special outreach events using their talents. Our team also competes on a National level through our CTS programs and have won many championships for the state of KY. 

Sign Language Director: Miss. Carrie Stelmach

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